Mentoring Sessions


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Are you making work that needs courage? Courage to do it in the first place? Courage to share it? Are you feeling a bit like you just need someone to remind you of the courage you already have?

It takes a lot of courage to be an artist. We all need help to find the strength to keep going. It takes courage to do that. It takes courage to keep going.

But courage is compelling and powerful. Courage is also contagious.

After my own experience with multiple loss and grief I like to think I’ve developed some skills for working courageously, not squashing big feelings but celebrating them, accepting they are part of how and who I am.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already got the sense of who I am from my work. If you think I can help you, drop me a line. I do a 20 minute free ‘Discovery’ call on zoom – it helps us both work out if we might work well together. I specialise in support from the standpoint of someone who has spent many years navigating this complex thing we call ‘the art world’. It’s about the different mindset needed to protect your vulnerability (the place the work comes from) from the one needed to survive the hustle and bustle of getting the work out there. They are totally different things. And it’s an immense challenge.

If you want to work with me for a while, a one-off, or long-term, then I am offering mentoring sessions.

These are £80 for a strong hour after we’ve done the intros and goodbyes – about 1 hour and 15 minutes. We work out what your intentions are, set goals and make a plan. We negotiate how many sessions might work for you to get the maximum benefit. Payment in advance.

Email me for a free Discovery session here.


I also do a very practical, focussed, three-session package, just on nuts and bolts stuff – find out about that here.