
© Alice Hendy

It’s funny how time passing makes you feel more of an expert.

It’s been ten years since I started stitching into the image, working with rough materials within reach to sew into photographs of me and my mother, trying to sew us together in thought and deed after she had died. It was this very literal act that became my method. It became more and more elaborate and the materials became more sophisticated. I would never have stuck a needle in a beautiful hand-print at the start….I wouldn’t have dared. But now, with all that understanding, I do. Over and over again.

I also began the certificate in historical hand embroidery at the Royal School of Needlework thanks to a scholarship from QEST. I feel like I have some ‘official’ knowledge of stitches that have been used for hundreds of years. I’m taking my time finishing it, because I like to build the class-work into my practice. And it is very labour intensive. With this in mind I wanted to be able to pass on some knowledge and am offering some small course at my studio in Bristol.

I’ll be teaching in tiny groups as my studio is tiny and there is a lot in it. If you would like to know more, please email me. There’s going to be:

A one day course for complete beginners – if you haven’t done really any sewing at all

A one day course for those who have some skills but can’t figure out how to work with paper / photographs

A 1:1 day if you want specific help on a project – kind of like where you know what you are doing, but are stuck on how to do it better.

These will be roughly starting March 2023

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